ShaderMap 4.2.3 Released
Version 4.2.3 - Revision 2 (R2)
- Filter Stack now only displays filters compatible with map type.
- New Filter: Normal Gradient - Isolates a gradient from an existing normal map which can be subtracted or added to the base normals. Great for uneven light scan normal maps.
- Enabled multiple instances of SM4.2. Modified the caching system to be named according to the process ID ensuring no instance conflicts.
Bugs Fixed
- Crash when loading an EXR normal map -1 to +1 into a color source or disp source map.
- When batching images, _0 is added to maps even if there aren't multiples. Removed _0 and only add when multiple of that name.
- Certain situations caused a normal map to be used as an input which returned non rasterized values.
- User Defined Env Maps not loaded from project file.
- Crash on load default project from start with <= 16px source image.