Next Gen Features
Well done on the new release, but..... Shadermap features are much of a muchness and the same can be found in its competitors (Knald and XNormal) Whats needed from a map generator of this class is core functionality that will ensure it's adoption as a standard tool in majority of the industries production pipelines and frameworks.
There are so many map types that Shadermap could support. It would make sense to add a scripting engine to the core (My preference is Python) with node based offline shader model support, OSL, RSL or VEX. This way one can create different baking sequences for any type of map generation required and the ability to save created node based baking sequences for quick load and re-use, generating a library of baking presets that are truly framework independent that can be shared and reused on the fly. With this type of map generation functionality and control the tool will compliment artists allowing them to easily migrate assets between the different rendering frameworks in an efficient non destructive backward compatible manner. Render/baking support of GI, Raytrace and SSS is needed to generate single scatter maps for use in realistic skin rendering is good example of a map type that is often used in game, film and VR productions.
I hope what I am saying makes sense, please keep in mind this post is intended as constructive criticism.
Thanks for your time.
There are so many map types that Shadermap could support. It would make sense to add a scripting engine to the core (My preference is Python) with node based offline shader model support, OSL, RSL or VEX. This way one can create different baking sequences for any type of map generation required and the ability to save created node based baking sequences for quick load and re-use, generating a library of baking presets that are truly framework independent that can be shared and reused on the fly. With this type of map generation functionality and control the tool will compliment artists allowing them to easily migrate assets between the different rendering frameworks in an efficient non destructive backward compatible manner. Render/baking support of GI, Raytrace and SSS is needed to generate single scatter maps for use in realistic skin rendering is good example of a map type that is often used in game, film and VR productions.
I hope what I am saying makes sense, please keep in mind this post is intended as constructive criticism.
Thanks for your time.
