Help with Creating Maps of this Type
I am wanting to render maps like this example using photographs , is this a grayscale diff map and if so can anyone give me some pointers as to filters to use .
Any help or suggestions will be appreciated .
This Displacement Map was generated from a 3D Model and an Auto Cage of type Square Plane. I'm afraid that ShaderMap won't create this level of displacement detail from a single Photograph.
You could try using the Light Scan node to produce similar results from a series of photographs. You will need to photograph your object from above (at the exact same position - use a tripod). 4 photos should be taken with the object lit from the top, left, bottom and right (see example below). Once that is done you can create a project from the images using the ShaderMap Start Screen and Mode: Light Scan.
I really need to get a tutorial for this up. But it's fairly straight forward once you do it a few times.
Thank you for the answer .....not as simple as I had hoped but it is what it is
I will give that a try ,it will help at least in some instances .
thank you again for the help .